At Tainui it is important to us that we implement the customs and language of Māori and Pasifika within our school.
Te Reo Māori is an official language of our country and therefore we want to ensure it is integrated through our learning.
This page is dedicated to some of the learnings that take place within our school.
Together we can learn.
Using Te Reo in the Tainui Coffee Cafe
At Tainui we have school karakia the purpose behind our karakia is:
- To be culturally responsive and aware – karakia is part of Māori culture
- Learn, understand, implement, Te Ao Māori (the world of Māori), te reo and tikanga – sharing of key Māori values, messages and practices
- It brings a sense of belonging
At Tainui we acknowledge and accept the unique place of Māori as tangata whenua (people of the land).
We encourage awareness, knowledge and understanding of the bi-cultural heritages of both parties to Te Tiriti o Waitangi (English & Māori).
We support the Treaty of Waitangi and the use of Te Reo Māori as a living language.
Our tamariki are not going to learn about Māori anywhere else in the world and so we have a responsibility to ensure our tamariki know about Māori culture, tikanga and te reo in our school context.
Karakia is not religious instruction, therefore we are not placing religious belief on the teachings of Māori karakia.
The Benefits of Learning Te Reo
Te reo Māori and tikanga Māori are intertwined, and so learning te reo Māori gives students access to te ao Māori (the Māori world) and to Māori world views. The insights and experiences that students gain as they learn the language will enrich and broaden their understandings of the uniqueness and complexity of te ao Māori. As students compare tikanga Māori with other cultures within New Zealand and overseas, they develop an understanding of the central roles that language, culture, place and heritage play in shaping identity and in giving direction and meaning to life. They come to understand that culture shapes the ways people think and behave, and begin to appreciate the value of cultural diversity. They learn about the important role that indigenous languages and cultures play in New Zealand and throughout the world.

It’s important to us that we recognise and celebrate various cultures within our school. For children to know who they are and where they come from can help them to be successful at school.Check out this site to help learn Cook Islands Language:
Click Here
Learning the language through waiata is a great way for our tamariki to understand and practice the language.
Check our a couple of waiata we sing as a school:
Click Here
Karakia Whakatimatanga
Beginning Prayer
E Te Atua
He mihi tenei ki a koe
Mo ou painga ki a matou
AmineDear Lord
This is our greeting/acknowledgement to you
For keeping us in good stead/well/safe/on the right path
Karakia Whakamutunga
Closing Prayer
Kia tau kia a tatou katoa
Te atawhai o to tatou Ariki
O Ihu Karaiti, me te aroha
O te Atua, me te whiwhingatahitanga
Ki te Wairua Tapu, ake, ake, ake
The love of God
And the fellowship of
The holy spirit
Be with us all